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Why are You Homeschooling Your Children?

I was asked this question often and there are many answers.
For me, mostly because I wanted to instill in my children, a love for Christ, a love for family,
and a love for learning & nature. I wanted my children to grow up as best friends too.

So, why are you home teaching? Not every day is easy, is it? But every day has beautiful moments shared as a family. I encourage you to keep the course, the rewards will come when you see your children turning into godly, 
compassionate, well-educated & competent adults. And now that our children are no longer living in our home, I thank God for the precious moments with them as kids.

"You will spend the majority of your life knowing your children as adults, but for a brief moment,
you'll have the opportunity to know them as kids. Cherish the moment."

Enjoy the videos below for your children: a bit of Bible, fun, poetry & a story...
(These videos were recorded during the pandemic; therefore, there is some mention of it & encouragement to look to God)

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